型 號: | |
更新時間: | 2016-05-25 |
報 價: | 6546 |
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自調式壓線鉗上海蘇特電氣有限公司專業(yè)生產十數年,誠摯歡迎廣大顧客,愿合作愉快!
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自調式壓線鉗
HSC8 16-4用于非焊接的,符合標準的電氣連接,適合管狀裸端子及管狀預絕緣端子。壓接時只要將端子側向進入壓線鉗,根據端子所要求的擠壓力度達到時,強制制動裝置才會使壓接鉗口自動松開,保證在反復壓線時能保持較高質量的壓線標準。
It is applicable for tubular bare terminals and pre-insulated terminal on non-welding connection complied with standard electrical connection. When crimping, the terminal should be put into crimping pliers laterally. The demanded pressing force must be reached before the brake unit automatically release the jaw of the pliers. Thus high quality crimping standard could be ensured during repeatedly crimping.
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自調式壓線鉗工具參數
應用范圍 Range of Application 套管式端子 Cable end-sleeves
壓接能力 Capacity 4-16mm²
美國標準 AWG 12-6
長度 Length 210mm
重量 Weight 0.52kg
: sute@56412027.com sute@sutedq.com
公司:www.sute2008.com www.56422486.com
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